Foundation Stage Curriculum
We believe that parents are the first educators of the child. In the early years of education, our Nursery and Reception children develop through the positive relationships they make and the environment around them. Our Nursery and Reception curriculum draws on the Development Matters framework.
Communication and Language
Within the Foundation Stage, our staff are conscious of the important role they play in addressing children’s Communication and Language skills. Within Reception there are three role play areas (one in each class and one in the playhouse). Children are often more receptive to open dialogue with others when engaged in play and these provide excellent opportunities to express themselves.
Phonics is taught daily in Nursery and Reception. Phonics is taught for 20 minutes each day, following the Letters and Sounds structure. We provide the children with a variety of writing opportunities in the indoor and outdoor area. In Reception children read 1:1 with an adult at least once a week and also in a group.
In Nursery the focus is on recognising numbers and shapes in the environment, learning number rhymes and counting with one to one correspondence. In Reception the focus is on numbers to 20, strategies for addition and subtraction as well as an understanding of shape and space. Within Reception there are three role play areas where Maths opportunities are included e.g counting the correct amount of money. Children are often more receptive to open dialogue with others when engaged in play and these provide excellent opportunities to practise their mathematical skills. In Reception the school follows the Maths Mastery programme of teaching Maths.
At St Fidelis, we follow a Religious Education scheme called The Way The Truth and The Life. We listen to various stories from the Bible and then reflect on these with drawings, role play and discussions. Nursery and Reception visit the church during the year to look at key features and also to act out a teddy bear wedding.
Personal Social Emotional Development
We have a strong focus on children thinking about their own and other people’s feelings. We talk about how our own and others actions make us and them feel and what we can do about this. We want the children to become confident and independent learners so provide them with plenty of child initiated time with adults to help develop their learning.
Understanding the World
Children take part in weekly forest school sessions throughout the year which gives them the opportunity to experience changes to the environment throughout the year. Children are also given opportunities to play with a range of technology. This includes simple toys, beebots, ipads and chromebooks.
Expressive Arts and Design
Within the Foundation stage, children are given daily opportunities to develop their expressive arts and design skills. Children have access to construction, small world and role play areas. There are also a variety of creative materials that children can use to create their own artwork. Children in Reception also receive fortnightly music lessons from a specialist teacher.
Physical Development
Children across the Foundation Stage are given many opportunities to develop both their gross and fine motor skills. In the Nursery there is a Funky Finger table, which provides children with the opportunities to strengthen and develop their fine motor skills. In Reception children have many opportunities to develop their fine motor skills, with a focus on building up muscles to help with writing and cutting. Children in Reception also receive weekly PE lessons with a specialist PE teacher.
We are proud that:
We provide children with the opportunity to become independent learners. Children are encouraged to select their own activities and the resources they require to complete their tasks. They are able to work independently, with a friend or in a group.
We form strong relationships with parents which helps the children in their development and learning. Parents have access to the Tapestry online learning journal, which provides them with opportunities to see what their children are doing in school. Parents are also able to upload photos and videos so that teachers are able to see what the children have been doing at home. Nursery hold ‘stay and play’ sessions once a month and both Nursery and Reception hold weekly reading cafes. Parents are invited into Reception to talk about their jobs during the ‘people who help us’ topic and to read their favourite story during our Mystery Reader sessions.