
Good governance means holding the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership team to account, being a critical friend and supporting the leadership role to ensure our school delivers the exceptional outcomes we all expect for our children.

The Governors receive reports from the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership team each term. As well as the overall Governing Body they are organised into several sub committees: Curriculum (which receives information on how the curriculum is delivered and outcomes for children), Finance (which receives information on the schools finances, health and safety and the school buildings) and staffing (reviewing how the teaching in our school supports learning).

Governors play an important role in holding senior leaders to account and provide a level of challenge and oversight. The role of governors requires strategic thinking and is not operational. Day to day tasks are the responsibility of the senior and middle leaders. All of our Governors commit to ensure their knowledge and understanding is up to date and broad enough to ensure our Governing Body can play a crucial role in leading our school. 

Who's Who

Governors at St Fidelis Pen Portraits 2024

Governing Body Membership

Governing Body Membership 2024-2025

Annual Governance Statement 2023

Annual Governance Statement 2023